2024 Summer Camp - Registration Now Open!

March 11, 2024

We are excited to announce that registration is open for the 2024 Kingdom East Summer Camp!

Kingdom East Summer Camp is a FREE summer camp offered to rising 1st-8th grade students.

Camp is open to students living in Kingdom East towns, or currently attending KESD schools.

Summer Camp Details
  • Student Dates: July 1 - August 2nd, 2024 (no camp on July 4-5)
  • Times: Monday - Friday 8:00am-3:00pm
  • Location: Lyndon Town School

Elementary Summer Camp

Monday-Thursdays, elementary school students (rising 1st-4th graders) will participate in hands-on academic activities in their grade level groups, have lunch, and then afternoon activities. Elementary students will transition to afternoon activities (including swim lessons, gymnastics, sports, library programs, etc) at 11:30am, after lunch. All transportation, materials, etc. will be provided to students free of charge. We plan for all elementary students to have two days of swim lessons at Powers Park, and rotate through other activities on the alternate days. You will receive a schedule of your student's activities before the start of camp.

On Fridays, elementary school students will participate in field trips with their grade level groups from 8:00am-3:00pm. Field trips can include trips to: the Montshire Museum, VINS, Fairbanks Museum, etc. On-campus activities include presentations from local musicians and storytellers, water games, etc.

This form is REQUIRED for any rising 1st-4th grade child who will attend camp at any point during the summer, space could be limited. Summer Camp priority registration deadline is April 1st. Students are welcome to register through June but may not be placed in their first choice activity. Families will receive a confirmation of registration and handbook detailing all summer camp procedures before the beginning of camp.

If you have any questions about registration, please reach out to Morgan Moore at kesdsummercamp@kingdomeast.org or (802) 626-6100 x4731

If you would like paper copies of registration forms, please contact us at the above contact information.

Elementary Summer Camp Registration

Middle School Summer Camp

Monday-Thursdays, middle school students participate in hands-on academic activities with their grade level groups, have lunch, and then participate in afternoon activities.

Middle school students choose their afternoon activities by indicating their first, second, and third choice activities on this form. Every effort will be given to honor your student's first choice request, but due to capacity some students may receive their second or third choice activity. You MUST choose a first, second and third choice below. If you would like to do the same activity for all, or multiple, weeks you may select that activity as your first choice each week. For example, if you want to bike all 5 weeks, select biking as your first choice all five weeks (but make sure to put a second and third choice all weeks as well).

All transportation to activities, gear (camping supplies, fishing poles, bikes, etc), materials, etc. will be provided to students free of charge. There is bus transportation to and from camp, from hubs in each town, as well.

On Fridays, middle school students will participate in field trips with their grade level groups. Field trips can include trips to: Whales Tale Water Park, Jay Peak Water Park, Northwoods Stewardship Center, Harvey's Lake, etc.

This form is REQUIRED for any rising 5th-8th grade child who will attend camp at any point during the summer, space could be limited. Summer Camp priority registration deadline is April 1st. Students are welcome to register through June but may not be placed in their first choice activity. Families will receive a confirmation of registration and handbook detailing all summer camp procedures before the beginning of camp.

If you have any questions about registration, please reach out to Morgan Moore at kesdsummercamp@kingdomeast.org or (802) 626-6100 x4731

If you would like paper copies of registration forms, please contact us at the above contact information.

Middle School Summer Camp Registration
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