McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

The McKinney-Vento Act gives special protections and rights to “homeless children and youths.” The act defines homeless to include students who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence because of economic hardship, disasters, domestic violence or being on their own.

If you don’t have a fixed, regular or adequate nighttime residence and live without a legal guardian, you also qualify for McKinney-Vento protections. An unaccompanied youth is a person under 22 who lives without a parent or legal guardian, even if their family wants them to return home.

There are many types of living situations that qualify a person for protections under the McKinney-Vento Act.

Some examples include living in:
  • In an emergency shelter or transitional housing.
  • In a motel, hotel or campground due to the lack of an alternative adequate accommodation.
  • In a car, park, abandoned building, or public place due to unavailable suitable housing options.
  • Doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship.
  • Unaccompanied (not living in direct care of a legal parent or guardian) or runaway youth. 
Some examples include living in:
  • In an emergency shelter or transitional housing.
  • In a motel, hotel or campground due to the lack of an alternative adequate accommodation.
  • In a car, park, abandoned building, or public place due to unavailable suitable housing options.
  • Doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship.
  • Unaccompanied (not living in direct care of a legal parent or guardian) or runaway youth. 

Rights Under the McKinney-Vento Act for Eligible Children & Youth

Rights Under the McKinney-Vento Act for Eligible Children & Youth

The Kingdom East School District provides services through the Federal McKinney Vento Act that supports families during a housing crisis. This allows us to provide provisions to families through the academic school calendar year. Our role is to provide educational services and support to families that meet the McKinney Vento Act requirements. We are providing the following information as a resource to you and the families that live within the Kingdom East School District.

The McKinney-Vento Act ensures homeless children and youths have equal access to an education by guaranteeing them the right to:
The McKinney-Vento Act ensures homeless children and youths
have equal access to an education by guaranteeing them the right to:
  • Equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including public preschool education, as is provided to other children and youth.
  • Immediate enrollment, even when records normally required for enrollment are not present.
  • Remain in the school of origin, if it is in the student’s best interest, in order to maintain educational stability.
  • Access all educational and related services for which they are eligible, including Title I services and free school meals.
  • Full participation in school, which may include participation in extracurricular activities.
  • Transportation, provided by the LEA, to and from the school of origin.

Referral Process

Referral Process

If you become aware of a family who is in a housing crisis, you can contact the child’s school registrar and provide the family information which will generate a referral. If you are not aware of the child’s school in which they attend you can contact the Kingdom East School District. You may also generate a referral by completing our "Referral to Homeless Education Liaison Form".

Download Referral Form

Housing Crisis Intake/Outreach

Housing Crisis Intake/Outreach

Once a referral has been received, contact will be made to the family, schools and community agencies by our KESD MKV Liaison to begin determination of need to meet the MVA.



Once a determination is reached, the school registrar and the MVA District Coordinator will be made aware and notification will be sent to the family outlining the provisions provided to the family as a resource through the KESD.



In some cases transportation to and from school is provided by KESD. This will be determined by the intake process and will be set up accordingly.

Do you have any questions about McKinney-Vento or
want more information about resources for homeless youth?

Do you have any questions about McKinney-Vento or want more information about resources for homeless youth?

Send Our McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison a Message!

Send Our McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison a Message!

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