About Kingdom East School District

An Educational Partnership of Schools & Communities
An Educational Partnership of Schools & Communities

Kingdom East School District operates seven vibrant in-person PreK through 8th grade schools, serving the communities of Burke, Concord, Lunenburg, Lyndon, Newark, Sheffield, Sutton and Wheelock. 

While transitioning from the COVID pandemic to normalized schooling, the Kingdom East School District continues to focus on providing rigorous educational and co-curricular opportunities, while embracing high-quality teaching and learning. 

The Kingdom East School District is committed to robust academics, character development and social/emotional health, strong community connections and effective and efficient resource management. We have a Strategic Plan with four distinct areas and actively strive to improve the education of all children. 

  • PRIORITY #1 - Robust Academics for All Students

    • Access to quality Pre-K services for all children within the district.
    • Curriculum, instruction, and assessment are designed with a focus on content rigor, student engagement, and continuous improvement of academic achievement.
    • Curriculum, instruction, and assessment result in continuous improvement of academic achievement.
    • High quality faculty and consistent and quality professional development.
    • Resources, availability and consistent training and use of technology to improve student learning

  • PRIORITY #2 - Character Development and Strong Social and Emotional Health for Students

    • Personalized Learning
    • Positive school culture and environment
    • Employee Self Care and Wellness
    • Quality facilities that promote a positive school culture
    • Active and equitable co-curricular participation
    • Active and equitable student health and wellness participation
  • PRIORITY #3 - Maintain and Build Strong Community Connections

    • Develop and maintain regular and routine engagement activities - school and parents/community
    • Develop and maintain regular and routine engagement activities - board and community
    • Develop and maintain regular service learning/volunteer and civics participation of students in the local community
    • Facilitate routine community events and use of the school and volunteer opportunities within the school
  • PRIORITY #4 - Assure Effective and Efficient Management of Resources

    • Transparency and fiscal responsibility when building budgets
    • Budget reflects equitable access and results focus from Priority #1 Robust Academics for All Students
    • Budget reflects equitable access and results focus from Priority #2 - Character Development and Strong Social and Emotional Health for students
    • Budget reflects a facilities plan which addresses Priority 1-3
  • PRIORITY #1 - Robust Academics for All Students

    • Access to quality Pre-K services for all children within the district.
    • Curriculum, instruction, and assessment are designed with a focus on content rigor, student engagement, and continuous improvement of academic achievement.
    • Curriculum, instruction, and assessment result in continuous improvement of academic achievement.
    • High quality faculty and consistent and quality professional development.
    • Resources, availability and consistent training and use of technology to improve student learning

  • PRIORITY #2 - Character Development and Strong Social and Emotional Health for Students

    • Personalized Learning
    • Positive school culture and environment
    • Employee Self Care and Wellness
    • Quality facilities that promote a positive school culture
    • Active and equitable co-curricular participation
    • Active and equitable student health and wellness participation
  • PRIORITY #3 - Maintain and Build Strong Community Connections

    • Develop and maintain regular and routine engagement activities - school and parents/community
    • Develop and maintain regular and routine engagement activities - board and community
    • Develop and maintain regular service learning/volunteer and civics participation of students in the local community
    • Facilitate routine community events and use of the school and volunteer opportunities within the school
  • PRIORITY #4 - Assure Effective and Efficient Management of Resources

    • Transparency and fiscal responsibility when building budgets
    • Budget reflects equitable access and results focus from Priority #1 Robust Academics for All Students
    • Budget reflects equitable access and results focus from Priority #2 - Character Development and Strong Social and Emotional Health for students
    • Budget reflects a facilities plan which addresses Priority 1-3

In addition to the normal core content areas, our students participate in a wide variety of community projects, personalized learning, athletics, world languages, technology and afterschool programming.

In our schools, our governance structure communicates our work in a transparent manner, focusing on high quality academic experiences that deliver cost effective schools for our community.  We hold Board meetings on the second Tuesday of the month, and Board committee meetings throughout the year.  Please, join us.  Check out our website, all meetings are open to the public!

A complete annual report with detailed information about our schools is available
here. To see what our schools are up to on a daily basis, please visit our Facebook and other social media pages. 

We also welcome anyone in the Northeast Kingdom, Vermont or elsewhere to visit and learn all about our thriving school communities. Come, take a look, visit, ask questions. We look forward to getting to know you. If you need information and do not see it, please let us know!

Our Mission

In partnership with the community, staff, and students, the Kingdom East School District is committed to providing a collaborative and equitable environment of educational excellence through rigorous learning experiences that develop individual and diverse talents and abilities of all our students to prepare them for successful lives as contributing, responsible citizens.

2025 Annual Report


Kingdom East School District Organizational Chart

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