Welcome to all the families & young learners to Kingdom East School District!

We provide a number of different learning opportunities, programs and services. This page provides all registration and enrollment information. The information is also available on your school website, and at each local school.

Pre-K K-8 9-12
School choice within a number of pre- approved preschool programs in the region. Students attend the school in the town or district where they live. Students have school choice and can attend any approved public or independent school.
Schools: Burke Town School; Concord School; Lyndon Town School, Lunenburg/Gilman Schools; Miller’s Run School (Sheffield and Wheelock), Newark Street School, Sutton Village School
Registration New or Returning New or Returning
Pre-K K-8 9-12
School choice within a number of pre- approved preschool programs in the region. Students attend the school in the town or district where they live. Students have school choice and can attend any approved public or independent secondary school.
Schools: Burke Town School; Concord School; Lyndon Town School, Lunenburg School; Miller’s Run School (Sheffield and Wheelock), Newark Street School, Sutton Village School KESD policy states that the proof of residency process will be complete before any tuition is paid to your high school of choice.
Registration New or Returning New or Returning

New Student Registration For Grades K-8

If you are new to Kingdom East School District and have a student in grades K-8, please click the button below to fill out the required New Student Registration form.

Registration Form (New Students K-8)

New Student Registration (Grades K-8)

If you are new to Kingdom East School District and have a student in grades K-8, please click the button below to fill out the required New Student Registration form.

Registration Form (New Students K-8)

Registration Forms & Information

School Choice

& Tuition Forms

School Choice Application Request Form:
K - 8 School Choice Form
School Choice High School:
Secondary School Request for Public Tuition Dollars Multifamily Affidavit
Kingdom East School District
Athletics & Activities Director

Courtney Murray

Office: 802-626-4733

Cell: 802-274-8290


Kingdom East School District
Athletics & Activities Director

Courtney Murray

Office: 802-626-4733

Cell: 802-274-8290


Kingdom East School District
Athletics & Activities Director

Courtney Murray

Office: 802-626-4733

Cell: 802-274-8290


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