April 11, 2019

A Newsletter for the public education community of Burke, Concord, Lunenburg, Lyndon, Millers Run, Newark, Sutton

Last Student Day of School for 2019: June 19th (this is an early release day)

Last Teacher day, Friday June 21st. (½ of the 19th, the 20th and the 21st are PD Days)

My son was a monster in middle school, in particular when it was time to do chores. “No, no, NO I am NOT DOING THAT!!” Throwing himself to the floor, writhing his body, lots of histrionics. 

Being an educator and having a hard time not laughing at this behavior (it was ridiculous), I bought a book which suggested that I focus on positive specific feedback. “Don’t give general praise,” it read, “provide specifics.” I needed to try, “I appreciate that you put away the dishes and took out the garbage.”


It worked!


One of our Kingdom East coaches attended a conference at Columbia Teachers College Reading and Writing Project. She brought back the book, Leading Well by Lucy Calkins, Mary Ehrenworth and Laurie Pessah. The book talks about the importance of providing positive feedback. Students, teachers, educators have worked hard to use the Units of Study, and we, as leaders need to notice and tell everyone that we notice all that they have done.

Yesterday our Administrative Leadership Team met at a school and in our learning walk we practiced. We interrupted to point out the amazing specific goals, things like scooping up words, using sticky notes, rereading to remember what was happening in the classroom. We noticed that students had written their goals AND they were completing their goals, right in front of our eyes. We noticed. We commented. We gave specific words to show the amazing work that occurs each and every day in our schools and in our classrooms. We as a team want to thank all the classrooms that welcome us, so see all the amazing learning you are doing!

Classrooms are a far distance from my angry pre-teen son, however, I realize the power of positive and specific feedback. It makes a difference!

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