Frequently Asked Questions for FY25 Budget

May 13, 2024
  • Why are Professional Development funds important?

    Investing in continuous learning isn't just a contractual obligation, it's crucial for providing the best education to students. Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) facilitate collaboration and growth among teachers. Just as we expect doctors to stay updated, teachers must continually improve their practice for the benefit of our children. The District is committed to comprehensive professional development aligned with our Continuous Improvement Plan, fostering teacher growth and student success.  

  • What reductions were made to the budget since the April 9th vote?

    Early Release Program:

    • Professional Services ($100,000)
    • Student Transportation ($10,000)

    Experiential Learning:

    • Supplies ($10,000)

    Staff: Includes all currently VACANT positions 

    • Instructional Assistants (4.0 FTE) ($81,637)
    • Individual Instructional Assistants (5.0 FTE ($138,799)
    • Teacher (1.0 FTE) ($79,564)

    TOTAL REDUCTIONS:  ($420,000)

  • Is there a plan to consolidate or close schools if the budget fails?

    There are currently no plans to close any District schools as part of the revised FY25 budget. If such actions as school reconfiguration or closure were to be considered, they would require a lengthy process and community-wide conversation. 

  • Does the District pay the full cost of insurance for employees?

    KESD pays 80% of the cost of insurance for full-time employees. Part-time employees pay a higher percentage based on their FTE. This is a requirement based on Statewide Bargaining.

  • How much of my property tax bill is impacted by education and the school district’s budget?

    Education is a portion of the property tax bill that households receive. Other impacts to property taxes come from town budgets. See the Vermont Department of Taxes FAQs page for more information.

  • What are the different ways I can vote?

    All voters are encouraged to participate in the revote in these ways:

    1. VOTE EARLY: Show up during business hours at your Town Office to cast your vote in advance between now and May 29th. Click here to view the Town Clerk hours for your town. 
    2. REQUEST AN ABSENTEE BALLOT: Voters can contact their Town Clerk for an absentee ballot or visit the Vermont My Voter Page.
    3. BALLOT DROP BOXES: Return your voted ballot at the secure dropbox located at your Town Office by May 29th 
    4. VOTE IN PERSON: On May 29th. Polls will be open in each community's normal voting location (voting hours are linked here). You can cast your vote in person or bring a mailed absentee ballot with you to the polls.
  • What happens if the budget fails on May 29th?

    Statutorily, KESD is allowed to borrow based on 87% of our FY24 Approved Budget ($41,069,545 x 87% = $35,730,504) via tax anticipation borrowing.  The actual amount we can borrow is based on our largest monthly deficit in FY24 plus 5%.  At the same time, we will continue to bring forward budget DRAFTs to obtain an approved budget.

  • Can I lower my tax rate?

     Yes! Homestead owners can pay a lower rate by receiving a property tax credit based on household income (below $128,000 for 2023) and home value. To apply for a tax reduction, contact the Vermont Department of Taxes at

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