Kingdom East Facilities Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Recording 8/10/23

August 11, 2023
Kingdom East Facilities Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Details:

When: August 10, 2023

Time: 4:30 pm

Location: KESD District Offices, Hilton Hall. Located at 64 Campus Lane, Lyndon Center, VT 

Meeting Recording (via Zoom)

Please note that this is a partial recording, as there were some technical difficulties throughout the first half of the meeting recording.

  1. 4:30 p.m. Call the meeting to order, record meeting 
  2. Agenda changes, Introductions
  3. Public Comment
  4. Discussion
  5. Facility Evaluation Objectives
  6. Location of Historical Building Data
  7. KESD 2023 Facilities Report
  8. School “Tours” & gbA meetings / surveys Input & Feedback
  9. Input & Feedback Color Coded by:
  10. Delayed Maintenance
  11. Budget Items
  12. Items Impacting Education - Best Practice 
  13. Items Impacting Education - AOE Compliance
  14. Requirements (Code / ADA)
  15. High Aspirations
  16. Map Out Future Meeting Schedule & Facility Evaluation Process 
  17. Public Comment


Strategic Planning Priorities & Action Steps:

PRIORITY #1 - Robust Academics for All Students
  1. Access to quality Pre-K services for all children within the district.
  2. Curriculum, instruction, and assessment are designed with a focus on content rigor, student engagement, and continuous improvement of academic achievement.
  3. Curriculum, instruction, and assessment result in continuous improvement of academic achievement.
  4. High quality faculty and consistent and quality professional development.
  5. Resources, availability and consistent training and use of technology to improve student learning   

PRIORITY #2 - Character Development and Strong Social and Emotional Health for Students 
  1. Personalized Learning
  2. Positive school culture and environment
  3. Employee Self Care and Wellness
  4. Quality facilities that promote a positive school culture
  5. Active and equitable co-curricular participation
  6. Active and equitable student health and wellness participation

PRIORITY #3 - Maintain and Build Strong Community Connections
  1. Develop and maintain regular and routine engagement activities - school and parents/community
  2. Develop and maintain regular and routine engagement activities - board and community
  3. Develop and maintain regular service learning/volunteer and civics participation of students in the local community
  4. Facilitate routine community events and use of the school and volunteer opportunities within the school

PRIORITY #4 - Assure Effective and Efficient Management of resources
  1. Transparency and fiscal responsibility when building budgets
  2. Budget reflects equitable access and results focus from Priority #1 Robust Academics for All Students
  3. Budget reflects equitable access and results focus from Priority #2 - Character Development and Strong Social and Emotional Health for students
  4. Budget reflects a facilities plan which addresses Priority 1-3       
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