LTS Middle School Guidelines for the 2023-24 School Year

August 25, 2023

Dear Middle School Families,

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! We want to outline a few helpful tips for middle school families to start a successful year. Any questions about the information contained in this letter may be directed to your child’s homeroom teacher, school counselor, or an LTS administrator. 

Arrival & Lockers
  • When students arrive at school, they are expected to come directly to their assigned homeroom on the third floor. They will be able to get breakfast and access their lockers between 7:45-8:00 am. While our team works to establish consistency and expectations, we ask that students are not lingering on/visiting other floors in the morning. 
  • Every student will be assigned a locker and a combination lock on the first day of school. Locks are expected to be on lockers and locked at all times. There will be multiple times throughout the day for students to access their lockers. Teachers will practice unlocking these locks with students so that all can learn this valuable skill. 
  • Students will be required to leave their coats, backpacks and other belongings in their locker while bringing to class writing tools, notebooks, and other items needed for class. 
  • The locker is only 6 inches wide and lockers 10 inches deep. Please keep this in mind when loading your bags.

Cell phones & Smartwatches

Cell phones and watches became a distraction in classes over the course of the past year. Cell phones that come to school should be powered off and stored in the student’s locker. If a student is using a cell phone at school, or a smartwatch to text or access social media during the school day, they will be addressed by teachers and possibly referred to administration for follow up based on the Behavior Matrix. 

Snacks, Beverages & Food Sharing
  • Students should not share food with other students at any time. 
  • Snacks should remain nut-safe. 
  • A breakfast cart will be available to students on the 3rd floor when they arrive in the morning. Meals are free.
  • Students should stay hydrated and have their own water bottle. Only water is allowed in the middle school.
  • Students are not allowed to have powdered additives or caffeinated drinks at school at any time. 
  • Gum and candy are not allowed at school. 


Aerosols or sprays such as essential oils, perfumes, and other scented products are not allowed at school. Deodorant can be brought to school and applied in the locker rooms or bathrooms. 


We hope that these clarifications will help students to start the year with us in a positive way. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or need additional explanation around any guidelines mentioned in this letter. We look forward to seeing you at Open House on September 21, 2023. 


LTS Middle School Team

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