Newark School Kitchen Facilities Renovation

March 8, 2023

Due to the issues of the kitchen’s dish machine flooding the floor and the condition and breakdown of the cabinetry within the kitchen, it has been a goal to remodel and upgrade the kitchen.  Recently over February break Newark has accomplished this goal from a fund source dedicated to this specific purpose.  The change is immense and such a pleasing sight to see.

With newly patched and painted walls with easy-to-clean paint, to lock in seamless flooring to keep any liquid on top of the floor, and new custom-made cabinetry and countertop, the Newark kitchen has received a brighter, cleaner look, and feeling in the area.  The cabinets are made with hardwood veneer and hardwood doors, having stainless steel handles. Armstrong sheet flooring in a grey grain and all walls and ceiling have been patched, repaired, and repainted with a semi-gloss finish.  Updates with the sink are also made comprising the entire sink is stainless steel, 2 available bays, and extra stainless steel counter space.

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    Before: Removal of the old flooring.

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    Before: Removal of the old flooring.

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    After: Kitchen with new flooring.

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    After: Kitchen with new flooring.

The reaction from students and staff was excitement and joy to see such a great change and improvement made to their kitchen and the workspace.

Due to the issues of the kitchen’s dish machine flooding the floor and the condition and breakdown of the cabinetry within the kitchen, it has been a goal to remodel and upgrade the kitchen.  Recently over February break Newark has accomplished this goal from a fund source dedicated to this specific purpose.  The change is immense and such a pleasing sight to see.

With newly patched and painted walls with easy-to-clean paint, to lock in seamless flooring to keep any liquid on top of the floor, and new custom-made cabinetry and countertop, the Newark kitchen has received a brighter, cleaner look, and feeling in the area.  The cabinets are made with hardwood veneer and hardwood doors, having stainless steel handles. Armstrong sheet flooring in a grey grain and all walls and ceiling have been patched, repaired, and repainted with a semi-gloss finish.  Updates with the sink are also made comprising the entire sink is stainless steel, 2 available bays, and extra stainless steel counter space.

The reaction from students and staff was excitement and joy to see such a great change and improvement made to their kitchen and the workspace.
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    Before: Removal of the old flooring.

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    Before: Removal of the old flooring.

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    After: Kitchen with new flooring.

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    After: Kitchen with new flooring.

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